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Corporate Membership of the Copyright Society 2019


SKU: M2019C Category: Tags: ,

Become a member of the Copyright Society of Australia be part of our vibrant copyright community and unlock a large number of unique benefits.

If you have a special interest or experience in copyright and related rights, you are eligible for membership of the Copyright Society. You must be nominated by a member of the Society, and the application must be approved by the Management Committee. We will assist you with this step. (If you have been a member before, it is not necessary to be nominated again.)

Available to an individual working for an organisation in Australia or New Zealand. Membership provides benefits to five people in the member’s organisation at the same location. Nominated participants may be varied from time to time. An organisation may have more than one corporate member (for example, where the organisation has offices in more than one city, or the organisation wants to have additional participants). Benefits of corporate membership include discount for nominated participants to the Society’s functions and four issues of the Copyright Reporter.

Membership includes

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After signing up, you can invite four more people in your organisation at the same location as Members of the Society.

Please follow the below steps to add all Corporate members to your team