End of Year Event: How (Not) to Litigate.
The CSA is delighted to invite you to our 2024 End of Year event, featuring a stellar panel discussion from leading copyright luminaries on How (Not) to Litigate.
Does using “direct speech” in evidence offend Sensibilities? Does Pride in one’s work mean that the Court wants to read all one’s letters? Is their tone Prejudicial? Does your technical evidence make Sense to the judge?
These and other questions about litigation as the art of Persuasion will be discussed – in a suitably seasonal spirit and accompanied by anecdotes, war stories, self-deprecating confessions, truths universally acknowledged, and even more literary allusions – by panellists Richard Cobden, Neil Murray and Megan Evetts, under the firm guiding hand of Dr Annabelle Bennett, at the CSA’s End of Year event – How (Not) to Litigate.
Please join us for this special event, in person and live streamed from King & Wood Mallesons (Sydney).
Richard Cobden SC, Nigel Bowen Chambers
Neil Murray SC, Tenth Floor Chambers
Megan Evetts, Nigel Bowen Chambers
The Hon Dr Annabelle Bennett AC SC

Date: Tuesday 10 December, 2024
Venue: King & Wood Mallesons
Governor Phillip Tower, Level 61, 1 Farrer Pl, Sydney
6:00PM – 8:00PM
Drinks and canapes will be provided
(Live Stream from 6:30pm)
CPD: Ethics 1 point
All members and friends are welcome.
CSA Members $55
Non-Members $80
CSA Members $35
Non-Members $60
Members need to log-in to be able to purchase discounted member-only tickets.